We use our extensive experience and training along with alternative healing modalities to facilitate clients onto the path of joy, balance, and profound change.

Denise Kilonsky | Meet Denise

After overcoming serious health issues of Leukemia, Fibromyalgia and Endometriosis and the resulting diagnosis stress in my own life, I have dedicated myself to educating and helping others by using energy therapy and other holistic approaches to improve health and well-being. I use my myriad training, the Body Code program and 22 years of experience to decode the mysteries of the body, mind and spirit. I can help you overcome anxiety, depression, chronic pain and low energy levels. My greatest joy is in helping those who have tried everything to finally get the results they've been praying for!

Scroll through testimonials

I have been working with Denise on a regular basis for a while now. The subtle shifts in how I feel and see myself have been life changing. Sometimes it feels like nothing happened or changed. But when I realize I'm not thinking or feeling like I usually do, I know that energy was released and I have moved forward. Denise has a gift that the world needs now more than ever. My heartfelt thanks Denise for all your work with me.


Are you feeling exhausted and looking for a better solution?

Working with Denise has been life changing. Her knowledge and understanding of energetic clearing are remarkable. She communicates with the body at a cellular level to find the blocks that prevent us from having the life that we desire. Once these blocks are cleared, we heal and are able to move forward. My life has opened up in ways that I never dreamed possible. I encourage everyone to meet Denise and experience this profound healing.


Are you looking for a natural approach to healing?

I have been in counseling for over 20 years and thought I had resolved a lot of "my stuff". Denise identified trapped emotions still stuck in my body that was contributing to my chronic back pain. Now they are released, the pain is gone and I feel a new sense of freedom I haven't felt in years. Her work is amazing!


Have you been dealing with chronic ill health, painful discomfort or stress?

You and Sally are such amazing teachers! I love your classes and always get so much out of them. The two of you blend together so well. I am enjoying lots of breakthroughs from your classes. My life keeps improving for the better. Thank You!

I highly recommend classes offered by Denise & Sally. I have used essential oils for physical healing for many years, but never considered the healing aspects on the emotional level. I participated in their 6-week group support call recently at a time in my life that I was experiencing emotional pain. I was amazed at how the essential oils helped to raise the energy vibrations and absolutely helped me to move through such a painful time in my life. The information one receives from their workshops is simply Miraculous. Thank you, Denise and Sally. Keep up the good work. Diana

"Thank you both for the work you do. Your wisdom, your breadth of knowledge, your compassion and understanding. Every time I have a healing session with you and take one of your workshops, my life improves for the better. I don't know where I'd be today without you both in my life. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You"

I'm feeling relaxed and less worried

How are you feeling now?

It was good to connect with you and the other ladies; we are not alone!

What did you find most beneficial about the call?

I appreciate how you let others share information

Anything else you would like to share about your experience of this call?

I love that your voice is very gentle and calming. I love listening to your voice.

Do you have any feedback or suggestions for me?

I have been enjoying the calls because it lets me choose to spend that hour on my energy and emotions. It's great to feel that we are not alone and that we are all going through difficult times; and while each person's difficulties may be completely different to the other person's difficulties in the group, we really are in this together & the more we can lift each other up, the better it is for everyone. I found that the calm I felt afterwards likely contributed to how I displayed myself toward others around me.

Thank you for helping us all stay calm during crazy times! Donna, Kansa

"These calls are AMAZING!"
"I felt so much better after the call."
"I feel as if a heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders."
"I seem to be thinking more clearly now."
"I can't believe how relaxed I felt after the call!"